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Decoration Tips that will Please Your Soul Wanting to be Free!
Date: 09.10.2024 12:22

Decoration Tips that will Please Your Soul Wanting to be Free!

We are going through tough times regarding our health. This is a period like none we've experienced before, a time that resembles nothing and is difficult to overcome both physically and psychologically. Yes, health comes first. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the true value of this often-repeated statement in all its stark reality. If you're wondering what the introduction has to do with the content we've given in the title, what we actually want to convey is ‘yes, health comes first.’ We need to protect our health not only physically but also mentally. Since we are confined to our homes and our space is limited, why shouldn't we make more use of the energy of colors, the soothing textures of fabrics, the elegance of patterns, and the calming effects of design?

Our living rooms; simultaneously our working offices, our hobby spaces, and our areas for relaxation and rest have become central to our lives, making the desire for change inevitable. When working from home without going to the office, we needed comfortable chairs and pillows. To enjoy our hobbies over the weekends, we needed comfortable tables and chairs, and even stain-resistant carpets☺; and of course, while working virtually, we felt an undeniable obligation to show tidy living rooms or workspaces to those we interact with online.

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